About Us

contactocean.com is the outcome of a group of people who grew tired trying to locate hard to find phone numbers for various companies and wanted to do something about it...

Our goal has been to create a resource to help everyone locate the contact information that so many companies try to hide from their customers. While brainstorming about ideas for this project, we knew that we also wanted to provide a way to hold companies accountable for the maze many of them intentionally create once a number is found to try to prevent us from ever actually reaching a live human being. Lastly, we wanted to take advantage of one of the beauties of the Internet which is in connecting all of us who have shared these frustrations at one time or another.

The result of our efforts is this site. contactocean.com is a free, user-maintained resource providing fast access to the customer service information that is too often only found out the hard way. We provide phone numbers, shortcuts to reach live human beings, multiple departments for many listings, direct links to corporate customer service, options to add user comments, ratings and even uploading of phone call recordings.

It is our hope that resources like contactocean.com will motivate companies to make greater efforts to provide timely, useful and convenient customer service options for us all.

We hope you enjoy your visit to our site!

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